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Bolantes</i> of Luzaide-Valcarlos

Festivity of 'los Bolantes' in Luzaide-Valcarlos. Navarre © Reino de Navarra

Bolantes de Luzaide-Valcarlos

Festivity of 'los Bolantes' in Luzaide-Valcarlos. Navarre

This is one of the most eye-catching and ancient dances in Navarre , and it welcomes the pilgrims arriving along the Way of Saint James at the town of Luzaide – Valcarlos on the Sunday of Carnival and on Easter Sunday.

During these days the air is filled with the tinkling of the bells and the colourful ribbons of the dancers' costumes. The dancers wear red berets, hemp espadrilles, white shirts and cotton trousers decorated with gold braiding, costume jewellery and red and yellow ribbons. Tradition requires that the dancers parade through the streets of the town all day long.

General information

International Tourist Interest

Contact details

 Luzaide-Valcarlos.  Navarre.